
So what is “I,,,ism” ???

That is what I call self-centered, self promoting, self praising selfishness !!!

We all have seen it in people,, maybe, even in ourselves,, I know I have went through periods of “I,ism” in my life,,, I can do this, I can do that, I don’t need anyone, I am the best,,, look at me ????

I had a person explain it perfectly years ago !!!

Envision a circle in your mind and in the center of that circle is,,, you ,,,, everything surrounding you in that circle is the world and you are the center of attention !!!

For the most part,,, I,ism is running rampant today in the world !! Everyone is focused on what is important to them without any regard for others out of their circle !!

I ran across a prime example this week of a well known person that thinks his (I,ism) opinion is worth listening too and should be valued !!!

Bill Maher !!! “I scold the Left when they say [pro-lifers] hate women… they don’t hate women… they think [abortion] is murder, and it kind of is. I’m just okay with that. I am. I mean, there’s 8 billion people in the world. I’m sorry, we won’t miss you… Is that not your position if you’re pro-choice?”

Is this a perfect example of I,ism or what ??? I,I,I,I and I ??? However, he did sum up the pro-choice position in a nutshell !!

Now let’s look at the alternative to I,ism,,,,,,, its You,ism !!

Jesus Christ is the perfect example of You,ism,,, i.e. ,,, You are in the center of his circle !!! Everything he taught, lived and endured while on earth in human form,,, was for you !!!

His sacrifice on the cross to take on all sin,,,,, was for “You”. It gave you a second, third or hundredth chance to admit your sin and ask him for forgiveness and have him wipe your sin slate clean and take you to heaven to spend eternity with him !!!

Don’t be an I,ism,,,, turn to Jesus, believe in him and ask forgiveness of your sins and recieve his salvation and become,,, empowered by him,,, to have everyone else as the center of your circle !!!!

May God Bless Your Day !!!

5 Essential Things

Hello,,, well I am back after the holidays and 2024 kick-off !! Hope everyone is settled into the new year and moving forward into your new adventure !!!!

Today I have some thoughts on the,,, in my view,,, 5 things that are essential for living and having a wonderful life,,,, 3 are required just to be around for the long term,,,, 1 is not quite as critical and 1 is critical for your long term existence !!! So here I go !!!

The top 3 things that we require to maintain physical living is ,,, Air,,, Water,,, and Food,,, pretty much a no brainer !!!

The basic rule of thumb for these, relating to probably 98% of the population, is the rule of 3’s !!

Air,, 3 to 5 minutes,,, if you go much longer then 3 minutes without Air (Oxygen) things are going to get critical to stay alive fairly quickly !!

Water,,, you have a bit longer, but about 3 days without water and things can become life threatening,, quickly !!!

Food,,, Well we can go without food for about 3 weeks to a month before bodily shutdow will begin, in most cases !!!

Now these are all norms and some may be able to go longer or shorter depending on the person and health, but these are a basic guide line based on ,,, no air,,, no water,,, and no food !!!

The 4th essensial thing that we need to be comfortably alive is shelter !! It doesn’t matter if the environment surrounding us is hot or cold,,, we need a place to get out of the elements to maintain our healthy existence !!! You can argue this, but no shelter will slowly start to have non-beneficial effects on our life if not resolved !!!

So there you have it,,, Air, Water, Food and Shelter !!!

So what is the 5th essential thing for life and more importantly,,, life after our physical life ??? And yes our Soul/Spirit will live on after our physical body returns to dust !!!

In my mind and belief ,,, the 5th Essential requirement for a fulfilling and fruitful life and after-life,,, is Jesus Christ !!!

If you open your heart to him and believe, accept and ask him into you life,, he will forgive your sins and fill you with unfathomable peace in a world of chaos and provide true hope in a hopeless world !!!

Looking around at the world today,,, I am pretty sure that the most of us desire,, peace,,, hope and forgiveness that we have not been able to find by ourselves !!!

Remember I said that our Soul/Spirit lives on after the body dies off ??? So where do they live on??? Well there are two places that they are destined to reside for externity ,,,, one is darkness and suffering and separation from their Creator,,, the other is light and happiness and love with their Creator !!!

It is decribed as two doors (gates),,, one is always open and the other is locked unless you have the key!!! The always open door is entrance to Hell and the locked door is entrance to Heaven !!! The key to the locked door is Jesus Christ,,, if you accept him during your physical earthly stay you will have the key to enter the locked door (gate),,, If, on the other hand, you do not accept him during your earthy stay,,, you will not have the key and be destined for the open door (gate) !!! One note,,, you have to decide while you are physically alive before your physical body passes away,,, after that, your fate is sealed for eternity ,,, no ifs,,, no ands,,, no buts !!!!

Matthew 7:13 “Go in through the narrow gate, because the gate to hell is wide and the road that leads to it is easy, and there are many who travel it.”

If you have already made the decision for Jesus,,, then you already have the key to Heaven and don’t have to worry about where you will be after physical death,,, If you haven’t or refuse to make a decision,, then the the default after physical death for your Soul/Spirit is the wide gate,,, Hell !!!

I will pray that if you have not accepted Jesus (the key to Heaven) ,,, you will before it is too late !!!! None of us know about tomorrow or even a few hours from now !!!

God Bless Your Day !!!!!

Speed of Light


The other day, during a Thunder and Lightning storm, that was passing over,,, I starting thinking/remembering about the window rattling Thunder and Lightning storms from when I was growing up on a small farm !!! Where I lived was in a valley with pretty big mountains all around us, so we recieved some pretty good storms,,, with Great Flashes of Lightning and Thunderous Thunder that followed !! I always loved those storms !!! I would see the flash of lightning and then count to see how long before I heard the thunder !! What little boy fun, not thinking to much about the forest fires or flooding that usually accompanied the storms !!!

It was many years later that I actually started to understand the “why” between the flash and the sound of the Thunder,,, it’s all in the speed of each !!

Lets look at the speed of light ??

Light travels at  299,792,458 metres per second (approximately 300,000 kilometres per second; 186,000 miles per second; 671 million miles per hour)

Now that is fast,,,, but can we even imagine how fast that is,,,, well, think about saying the word “one” ??? In the time,,, one second,,, that it takes you to say the word “one” ,,, anything traveling at the speed of light will have rounded the earth,,,, ready ,,,,,,, 7.5 times !!! That’s Fast !!!!!!!

So now,,,, what about the opposite of light ,,,,, darkness !!!

Darkness is the lack of light,,, light overcomes darkness but darkness does not overcome light !!

So what is the speed of darkness ?? Well remembering the lighting flash,,,, the instant it was over,,, darkness instantly returned. The reason ,,,, Darkness is always present !!! So if no light ,,, you return, instantly, to total darkness !!!

There are two types of light and darkness??? You have physical light and spiritual light as well as physical darkness and spiritual darkness !!!

Physical light can come from any number of physical sources,,, Sun, Moon, street lights, house lights, flashlights, or anything that lights up the darkness !!!

Physical darkness is simply the lack of physical light !!!

Spiritual Darkness is the lack of Spiritual Light !!

Spiritual Darkness is always present and can only be conquered by the only source of Spiritual Light ,,, that would be Jesus Christ,,, The Spiritual Light of the World!!!

John 8:12 AMP
Once more Jesus addressed the crowd. He said, “I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.”

“Light of life” ,, without Jesus,, there is no spiritual light,, so no matter how bright the physical light is around you ,,, your Soul is in spiritual total darkness !!!

Can you see in total darkness??? The short answer,,, NO !!!

So your Soul is wondering around in total darkness latching onto anything it finds in the darkness looking for guidance and direction,,, the sad story is ,, anything it finds in this spiritual darkness only leads to deeper darkness !!! WE can easily see that just by looking around at all the misguided responses and beliefs to the world around people in darkness !!!

The light from Jesus is the only way out of darkness for your Soul !!

Seek and Accept Jesus into you life and free your Soul to soar in the wonderful spiritual light of heaven and be engulfed in his eternal light forever,,, or ,,,,, continue along in complete spiritual darkness until it is too late to redeam yourself !!!

God Bless your Day !!!

Butterflies and Moths

Butterflies and Moths,,,, I am pretty sure we have all experienced these insects when we have been out and about in our lives !! They are pretty fascinating to watch,, flitting around, but they are completely different in character !!!

Butterflies are seen during the day and are always fluttering around in the flowers and plants flapping their multi-colored wings. You can spend a lot of time just relaxing and watching them ,,, and they do seem to have a relaxing quality,,, not intrusive towards you !!!

Moths, on the other hand, are completely different in their behavior !! Most of the moths I have experienced have most always been at night and they seem to be attracted to light,, flashlights, camp fires, lite bulbs,,, but at the same time they seem to hate the light. Have you watched them as they attack the light and constantly butt heads with it,, over and over again !! I have even seen them fly into the campfire,, a death wish,, for sure !!! On the other hand, the moths I have seen during the day are usually flipping around on the floor but don’t fly much in the daylight. They seem to be looking for a dark spot to get out of the light ???

While this is certainly not a scientific dissertation of a moth or butterfly. I did have some interesting thoughts while watching these critters.

First off,,,, one loves to live in the light (Butterfly) while the other thrives in the darkness (Moth).

They both have jobs to do,,, I am sure,,, but the Butterfly seems to love their work in the light seeming to be carefree, peaceful, and content while the Moth works in the dark,, seeming to hate the light while irresistibly being drawn constantly toward it and fighting its intrusion into their environment !!!

The thought occurred to me while thinking about my experiences with these insects that it is just the same with us humans !!!

The people who have come back to their creator, heavenly father, and accepted Jesus Christ as their savior by believing in him and admitting they are sinners,,, thus being saved by him,,,,, are the butterflies of this world !!! They are living in peace and contentment, protected by him as the world around them spins out of control in darkness !!! The chaos loses its destructive effect on your life. You can now flutter around in his light,,,, day and night,,, knowing that you are destined for eternity in paradise with him and the Father !!!!

The people who have chosen not to accept Jesus as their savior,,, are living in the devil’s darkness (yes there is a devil),,, day and night !!! They are like the Moths, futtering around in the darkness,,, drawn to the light of Jesus because he has placed his truth into everyone’s heart,,, but refusing to acknowledge the truth they feel deep inside and constantly fighting against it !!! Like the actions of the Moth,,, they are constantly annoyed that anyone is trying to turn on the light in their dark existence !!!

The choice is entirely yours as to whether you want to fly free and in peace like the butterflies or constantly fight and battle the light (Jesus) that is calling your soul home to him !!!!

You have to make this decision while there is still butterflies (Saving Grace/Light from Jesus) in this world and before the end of this life- After that, there is no choice available ,,, you are sealed for eternity,,, in light or darkness !!!!

Look around you at the mess this world is in ??? Who can you trust or believe in ??? Its hard to find anyone without lies and evil secrets to hide !!! Only Jesus can fill you with the Truth and set you free !!!! His Truth never changes !!!

Stop being the Moth and banging your head against the light that is calling you and accept the light of Jesus and become the beautiful Butterfly before it is too late !!!

Nothing is for sure in this world and we can end at any time !!!

God Bless Your Day !!!!