Speed of Light


The other day, during a Thunder and Lightning storm, that was passing over,,, I starting thinking/remembering about the window rattling Thunder and Lightning storms from when I was growing up on a small farm !!! Where I lived was in a valley with pretty big mountains all around us, so we recieved some pretty good storms,,, with Great Flashes of Lightning and Thunderous Thunder that followed !! I always loved those storms !!! I would see the flash of lightning and then count to see how long before I heard the thunder !! What little boy fun, not thinking to much about the forest fires or flooding that usually accompanied the storms !!!

It was many years later that I actually started to understand the “why” between the flash and the sound of the Thunder,,, it’s all in the speed of each !!

Lets look at the speed of light ??

Light travels at  299,792,458 metres per second (approximately 300,000 kilometres per second; 186,000 miles per second; 671 million miles per hour)

Now that is fast,,,, but can we even imagine how fast that is,,,, well, think about saying the word “one” ??? In the time,,, one second,,, that it takes you to say the word “one” ,,, anything traveling at the speed of light will have rounded the earth,,,, ready ,,,,,,, 7.5 times !!! That’s Fast !!!!!!!

So now,,,, what about the opposite of light ,,,,, darkness !!!

Darkness is the lack of light,,, light overcomes darkness but darkness does not overcome light !!

So what is the speed of darkness ?? Well remembering the lighting flash,,,, the instant it was over,,, darkness instantly returned. The reason ,,,, Darkness is always present !!! So if no light ,,, you return, instantly, to total darkness !!!

There are two types of light and darkness??? You have physical light and spiritual light as well as physical darkness and spiritual darkness !!!

Physical light can come from any number of physical sources,,, Sun, Moon, street lights, house lights, flashlights, or anything that lights up the darkness !!!

Physical darkness is simply the lack of physical light !!!

Spiritual Darkness is the lack of Spiritual Light !!

Spiritual Darkness is always present and can only be conquered by the only source of Spiritual Light ,,, that would be Jesus Christ,,, The Spiritual Light of the World!!!

John 8:12 AMP
Once more Jesus addressed the crowd. He said, “I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.”

“Light of life” ,, without Jesus,, there is no spiritual light,, so no matter how bright the physical light is around you ,,, your Soul is in spiritual total darkness !!!

Can you see in total darkness??? The short answer,,, NO !!!

So your Soul is wondering around in total darkness latching onto anything it finds in the darkness looking for guidance and direction,,, the sad story is ,, anything it finds in this spiritual darkness only leads to deeper darkness !!! WE can easily see that just by looking around at all the misguided responses and beliefs to the world around people in darkness !!!

The light from Jesus is the only way out of darkness for your Soul !!

Seek and Accept Jesus into you life and free your Soul to soar in the wonderful spiritual light of heaven and be engulfed in his eternal light forever,,, or ,,,,, continue along in complete spiritual darkness until it is too late to redeam yourself !!!

God Bless your Day !!!