History is Repeating,,Again


The following is an excerpt from the Hal Lindsey Ministries that’s pretty mind blowing. I believe it is again happening,,, but this time in the US – Hal has been a student preacher and instructor of Biblical principals for decades,,,, he is right on the mark, when it comes to Biblical prophecy ,, in my opinion-

He is one of three people I follow on this subject,,,, Hal Lindsey,,, Amir Tsarfati,,, and Dr. David Jeremiah !! If you have interest about the Truth of Biblical Prophecy,,, please check out the teaching of any of these guys !!!

Please see below the excerpt from Hal Lindsey’s Ministries !!!

There was this man in history who said, our country is under siege. We’re under attack both inside and out. We have rioting in the streets, rioting in our schools. No one is keeping order and peace. And he said, we need to establish order or our country will fall apart. You know who said words to that effect? Adolf Hitler, 1932. People all over the world are so anxious for peace they’ll do just about anything to get it. If you look at the history of the world, peace has never been a gift. Peace in a nation only comes because some brave people got the determination and courage to fight for it.

In part 38 of his line by line examination of Revelation, Hal refers to Daniel to describe a man he believes is alive right now and living in Europe. A king will arise insolent and skilled in intrigue and his power will be mighty, but not by his own power. He will destroy mighty men and holy people, and through his cunning he will cause deceit to succeed by his influence. He will magnify himself in his heart and he will destroy many by means of peace. What the antichrist is going to use is people’s desire for peace to destroy them. This essential Bible study is available in its entirety at no charge in Hal’s video archive.

I believe time is getting real short to easily make a commitment and take a stand for Jesus !!!

God Bless Your Day !!!

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