Something isn’t right ??

Do you feel it,, deep down inside,, something seems amiss. It is tugging at your being, weighing heavy on your heart.  I know if you were brought up taught about Jesus or heard about Jesus later, but strayed away to chase the world, as I did,,, you can feel it more and more each day.  What is it ????

It is Jesus telling us that time is short. We are almost at the end of this age,, the rapture is coming.  We know it deep down,,, what do we do. We need to prepare and share this warning with the people around us, both friend and foe. Pray for forgiveness and the strength to witness. Be what we have probably never been,, a shining light for Jesus and a pain for the world.

Heaven,,, and Hell are both real and waiting in the wings. We will spend eternity in one or the other after this present life. It all depends on the decision to accept Jesus as our personal savior or not. There are no second chances after we pass through this present life, your decision or no decision will be sealed for eternity.

Please look up to Jesus and I guarantee he will be there waiting. He will forgive all your sin and lighten your heart of any burden. The peace and quite in your soul will be overwhelming and Satan will flee from you.

Make the choice now !!!!! Time is growing short !!!!

I am praying for you !!!

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